Thursday 17 August 2017

Health- What Makes Your Skin Dark?

Your skin is like a window to see how healthy your body is. Acne and pimples on your skin can be caused by oily foods or poor hygiene. Dull skin can be the effect of lack of sleep or dehydration. Sometimes, what we do to our bodies often hinders the skin’s chance to become whiter.

Don’t let your skin whitening products go to waste. Here are some of the things you should stop doing because they can make your skin look dark.

Enjoying the Sun Too Much

The sun is a God-given gift. It is a vast source of light, heat and life. But it can also be a source of skin darkening, dark spots, sunburns, and more. The sun can definitely make your skin darker, but there’s a way around - sunscreens!

Use sunscreen whenever you’re going to stay under the sun for a long or short time. It’s not just for beach and pool parties anymore. Most products like facial cream and body lotions have sunscreen in them already. Use one to help your skin become lighter naturally.

Improper Skin Care Routine

You can’t really call washing your face at night with soap a skin care routine. A proper skin care routine follows at least the CTM (cleansing, toning, moisturizing) method. Exfoliation is also done as needed or at least once or twice a week. The routine during the morning is different from the evening as well.

It depends on the type of skin you have, your age, your usual environment and more. Someone who works at home may not need a skin lightening cream as compared to someone who works out on the field. The needs of a woman in her 20s are much different from a woman twice her age as well.

If you want your skin to not get darker, make sure that you are doing the right routine for your skin.

Less Sleep

The body performs much better when it is in a good condition. You can attain that by having a complete sleep. Your skin also benefits from sleep as it regenerates while you’re dreaming. Without much sleep, the skin around your eyes will be darker. Your skin could be drier and less firm in the long run.

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Kojic Acid for Your Skin Whitening Needs

If you are looking to whiten your skin by having less melanin on it, Kojic Acid is the one for you.

Kojic acid is a very effective skin whitening ingredient that you can use if you’re into making your skin lighter. Being a natural derivation from various fungi, fermented rice wine, or miso, it is considered as a safe and natural option. But, how effective it is on your skin? Read on and know more about this skin whitening wonder. 

How it Whitens?

It affects the body’s tyrosinase proteins. This protein is a part of the body’s process in creating melanin. Melanin, on the other hand, is our skin’s primary pigment agent.  Kojic acid aids in inhibiting the tyrosinase from producing more melanin. While the skin pigmentation is slowed down or prevented, the result will be whiter skin.

When applied topically, it can penetrate the topmost layer of the skin to reach the part, where pigmentation occurs.

On Cosmetic Whitening Products

When the active ingredient inhibits the production of melanin, it goes a long way. Aside from making the skin tone lighter, it can also target dark areas for a more even skin. If you have highly pigmented age spots, kojic acid products can help you get rid of them too.

Many skin whitening products today have kojic acid as their main active ingredient. You can find it in soaps, facial creams, and body lotions - all used generously on the skin.

On Skin Disorders

Kojic acid is a great solution for skin disorders such as melasma. Melasma is a genetic skin discoloration that causes gray to brown patches to appear on the skin. It often appears on the face, arms, and neck where the skin whitening is often done.

It’s innate ability to inhibit melanin production is perfect against the effects of melasma.


There’s no doubt that Kojic is an effective skin whitener. But, there are still things to take note of when using it. Consistent use over a period of time is required to notice visible effects. The difference varies on the type of skin that it is applied to. People with darker shade may have to wait longer.

Keep in mind that Kojic can be more irritating to people with sensitive skin. Check with your dermatologist for the right amount or whitening ingredient that is the best for your skin type.

Sunday 18 June 2017

Tips for Younger Skin

A younger-looking skin is achievable through the use of moisturizing lotions, proper diet, and general health care. 
Most women start worrying about their look when their age escapes the numbers of the calendar. They are affected mentally, socially, and most importantly, physically. If you are one of these worried women, we have the solutions for you.


Have Enough Sleep

Sleep is a vital part of anyone’s day. It is the time for the body to relax, regain strength, and for the skin cells to repair themselves. A younger-looking skin requires regular and adequate sleep. Less sleep will make the skin dry and stressed.

Moisturize with Lotion

Dry skin looks pale and lifeless at first glance. Whitening body lotions are effective in keeping the skin moisturized throughout the day. The whitening ingredients will also help improve the skin tone and even it out at the same time.

A skin that is regularly hydrated will cease to show signs of premature aging like wrinkles, age spots, and fine lines. Use whitening body lotion every day after a shower to lock in the skin’s natural moisture. Reapply at night before sleep if you have a dry skin.

Exfoliate Your Skin

Exfoliation is the act of removing old dead skin cells from the skin’s outermost surface. Dead skin cells make the skin look dull and dark. Cleansing, toning, and moisturizing is not enough. You have to get rid of the dirt and oils that are not seen by the naked eye. Most of these dirt and oils are clogged in the skin’s pores.

When you remove the dead skin cells and the stuff that clog the pores, the skin will repair itself more properly.

Eat Healthy Foods

Whatever you eat regularly will manifest through your skin. Notice that people who keep a healthy diet has better skin than those who live off junk and processed foods. Junk foods are full of unhealthy oils and fats that do not give the skin any favor at all.

Healthy foods, on the other hand, are good for the body and the skin. Increase intake of foods rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin D, and more. These vitamins are used in skin care products, so if you eat them naturally, it’s like you’re nourishing your skin even more.

Use Natural Skin Care Products

Skin care products that are purely laboratory-made often irritate the skin in a certain degree. This is what you can avoid when you use natural skin care products in the form of whitening body lotions, creams, masks, serums, and other skin whitening products.

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Skin Practices that you Should Avoid

 "You skin reacts to every product and every practice that you do. Make sure that you’re doing everything right so that your skincare routines will be fruitful."
Your skin is your best friend. And like your best friend, it can be moody at times. If you do something wrong, it can throw tantrums in the form of acne breakouts and hurts you with pimples. Sometimes, even if we go all out in treating the skin with expensive skin products and visits to the spa and dermatologists, it’s not enough - or maybe it’s because we do practices that damage the skin.
The first most common practice that we do is picking at our faces. We often do it unconsciously when we were bored or trying to stay awake in a classroom or meeting. Try to keep your hands off from your face unless it’s time for your skincare routine. Avoid picking at your face whenever you are outside as your hands may be at their dirtiest. 

Second, you need to be specific with your skincare routine. Some people think that as long as they follow a skincare routine, they’re all good. But the question is, are they using the creams with SPF during the day? Do they moisturize first before applying makeup in the morning? Morning preparations are so much different.

Is makeup remover a part of the evening skincare routine? Do they use sleeping packs at night? There are a lot of things to consider.

Believe me, you need sunscreen. It doesn’t matter if you are a person of color or if you’ll be exposed to the sun for a minute only. Sun damage adds up over time. Even if you can’t see the sun, it doesn’t mean that the harmful rays are not present. Sunscreens or  skin lightening creams also help combat skin aging.

If you are someone who puts sunscreen every day, do you reapply it when you’re out and about? Reapplying sunscreen is important since it can easily get shed off due to daily tasks.

There are days when stress has gotten over your body and soul. And the solution? A great warm bath. Take note: warm bath. Not hot or cold. Lukewarm should be your target temperature when having a shower or bath. You may find hot showers comfortable, but it eventually dries out your skin.

Tuesday 28 February 2017

Don't Skimp Out on Body Lotion

Body lotion provides many benefits when used regularly. Depending on the product you use, it can deal with your specific skin problems. There’s one for oily, dry, combination, or normal skin.

One thing that I got hooked up from when I was young is using whitening lotion regularly. For someone with a natural tan color, getting a fairer skin has always been what I wanted. They may not get the trend that they deserve, but they get the job done easily.


Moisturize the Skin

Skin that is all dried up from heat or cold is in need of body lotion. It will keep the moisture locked inside the skin. I suggest bringing a small bottle when going out. Washing your hands with soap can strip off its natural oils. So moisturize those after every wash.

Even Out Skin Tone

Look for lotions with SPF. These will protect your exposed skin from the harmful UV rays. The sun, as much as it is a need, can damage the skin. Dark spots, accelerated aging, sunburn, and skin darkening are just few of its effects. Regulate the tone of your arms, neck, and legs which are often exposed to the sun, wind, dirt, and pollution.

Whiten the Skin

They can range from cheap to downright expensive. That’s why most people skimp out on them. But you don’t necessarily need to buy expensive and branded ones to take care of your skin. Whitening body lotions can cost a fraction, but still do the job that expensive products do.

Lotions can help whiten the skin to make it look fairer and healthier. Opt for a whitening body lotion that lightens, moisturizes, heals, and keeps your skin cool.

It is a versatile product and can be used any time - after morning shower, afternoon washing, and before sleep. Its effects last for a long time. There’s no such thing as overuse for natural body lotions. You can use it more on rough and dry areas to make your whole body silky smooth and fresh.